quinta-feira, 26 de março de 2009

Sardaukar Terror Troops "Vintage"

Os Sardaukars eram o BOPE do imperador. Não tinha caô, onde os caras pisavam, era certeza de que iriam tocar o terror (não é à toa que o nome era Sardaukar Terror Troops). O viveiro deles era o planeta pós-holocausto nuclear (do Bluterian Jihad) - Salusa Secundus - um planeta que faz jus ao nome do blog. Podemos dizer, um planeta hecatombicamente cataclismatizado....Trocando em miúdos, estamos falando do planeta "Complexo do Alemão" da época. Era um viveiro de gente muito light...Bem, como a caracterização desses personagens no filme foi simplesmente RIDÍCULA! Peguei um desenho antigásso meu pra deixar de registro do "Sardaukar Vintage"...hehehe

Como de costume, segue a descrição "séria" do personagem by Wikipedia...Imagem dos "ajudantes de laboratório" com a Irulan no meio. Só pra fazer um apart no post, a Irulan é um espetáculo!

The Sardaukar (or Imperial Sardaukar) were soldier-fanatics loyal to the Padishah Emperors of House Corrino, the Great House which ruled over the Known Universe (the Imperium) before and during the first book in the Dune series. Until Paul Atreides organized the Fremen on Arrakis, the Sardaukar were the foremost soldiers in the universe and were feared by all. The key to House Corrino's hold on the Imperial throne, the Sardaukar troops were sometimes referred to as "House Sardaukar". While this suggested that the emperor's elite troops constituted a House in their own right, the term in fact meant "the Sardaukar of the House". Still, the novel indicated that ranking Sardaukar did enjoy extremely high social status (including stewardship over planets for Bursegs) and great wealth, at least until the Corrino dynasty was overthrown.
Sardaukar were trained from infancy on the planet Salusa Secundus, House Corrino's original homeworld. Salusa Secundus had been the capital world of the Imperium since the time of the Butlerian Jihad. It was once lush, but it was devastated by atomics. Salusa Secundus was subsequently known for centuries as the "Prison Planet" of Corrino Emperors. Secretly, Salusa was also home to the vicious training grounds of the Sardaukar, who fought voraciously in a mock-up of natural selection to ensure that only the best entered formal Imperial service. Like the Fremen on the planet Dune, the intense difficulties of simply surviving on Salusa Secundus left only the toughest alive, given planetary environmental conditions so harsh that they killed 6 out of 13 individuals (a rate of 46%) before the age of eleven. Sardaukar training emphasized ruthlessness, near-suicidal disregard for personal safety, and the use of cruelty as a standard weapon from infancy, in order to weaken opponents with terror. For example, in Dune, a Sardaukar Colonel was dispatched to examine the body of Paul Atreides' murdered father. The Colonel sneered at Dr. Yueh's mere mention of the word "pity".

Sardaukar troops from the Dune miniseries, dressed in Harkonnen livery.
Sardaukar were intensely conditioned for loyalty to the Emperor. The Sardaukar were estimated as worth ten times their number in Landsraad house levies. The Sardaukar were normally organized into legions, each composed of ten brigades of roughly 30,000 soldiers each, and until the debacle at Arrakis, it was said that one legion alone could pacify any planet foolish enough to incur the Emperor's wrath. At their prime, their sword mastery and unarmed combat ability was said to equal that of a Ginaz 10th-Level Swordmaster, while their infighting skills approached those of a Bene Gesserit adept.
By the time of the novel Dune, the Sardaukar had become far more complacent. While still formidable, their strength had been sapped by overconfidence, and the sustaining mystique of their warrior religion had been deeply undermined by cynicism. Appropriations for training had gone down as the number of Bursegs (generals) increased.

O que não dá pra aceitar é esse macacão de funcionário de laboratório, pintado de preto com vidro verde.....ninguém merece!
Olha que bunitim o bunequin da época. Realmente a produção de Duna deu mole até no merchandising. Detalhe para a Maula Pistol e para, o que parece ser, um facão de churrasqueiro! Vai ver tinhas algum gaúcho na equipe de produção dos bonecos...

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