quinta-feira, 26 de março de 2009

Iguarias do mundo Duna

Bem, pra quem não se satizfaz só com os livros, filmes e sites sobre o assunto, acho que colocar os ícones no windows é uma boa opção para "climatizar" apropriadamente o ambiente de trabalho. Segue link pra quem quiser baixar....http://iconfactory.com/freeware/preview/arak (have fun =)

Sardaukar Terror Troops "Vintage"

Os Sardaukars eram o BOPE do imperador. Não tinha caô, onde os caras pisavam, era certeza de que iriam tocar o terror (não é à toa que o nome era Sardaukar Terror Troops). O viveiro deles era o planeta pós-holocausto nuclear (do Bluterian Jihad) - Salusa Secundus - um planeta que faz jus ao nome do blog. Podemos dizer, um planeta hecatombicamente cataclismatizado....Trocando em miúdos, estamos falando do planeta "Complexo do Alemão" da época. Era um viveiro de gente muito light...Bem, como a caracterização desses personagens no filme foi simplesmente RIDÍCULA! Peguei um desenho antigásso meu pra deixar de registro do "Sardaukar Vintage"...hehehe

Como de costume, segue a descrição "séria" do personagem by Wikipedia...Imagem dos "ajudantes de laboratório" com a Irulan no meio. Só pra fazer um apart no post, a Irulan é um espetáculo!

The Sardaukar (or Imperial Sardaukar) were soldier-fanatics loyal to the Padishah Emperors of House Corrino, the Great House which ruled over the Known Universe (the Imperium) before and during the first book in the Dune series. Until Paul Atreides organized the Fremen on Arrakis, the Sardaukar were the foremost soldiers in the universe and were feared by all. The key to House Corrino's hold on the Imperial throne, the Sardaukar troops were sometimes referred to as "House Sardaukar". While this suggested that the emperor's elite troops constituted a House in their own right, the term in fact meant "the Sardaukar of the House". Still, the novel indicated that ranking Sardaukar did enjoy extremely high social status (including stewardship over planets for Bursegs) and great wealth, at least until the Corrino dynasty was overthrown.
Sardaukar were trained from infancy on the planet Salusa Secundus, House Corrino's original homeworld. Salusa Secundus had been the capital world of the Imperium since the time of the Butlerian Jihad. It was once lush, but it was devastated by atomics. Salusa Secundus was subsequently known for centuries as the "Prison Planet" of Corrino Emperors. Secretly, Salusa was also home to the vicious training grounds of the Sardaukar, who fought voraciously in a mock-up of natural selection to ensure that only the best entered formal Imperial service. Like the Fremen on the planet Dune, the intense difficulties of simply surviving on Salusa Secundus left only the toughest alive, given planetary environmental conditions so harsh that they killed 6 out of 13 individuals (a rate of 46%) before the age of eleven. Sardaukar training emphasized ruthlessness, near-suicidal disregard for personal safety, and the use of cruelty as a standard weapon from infancy, in order to weaken opponents with terror. For example, in Dune, a Sardaukar Colonel was dispatched to examine the body of Paul Atreides' murdered father. The Colonel sneered at Dr. Yueh's mere mention of the word "pity".

Sardaukar troops from the Dune miniseries, dressed in Harkonnen livery.
Sardaukar were intensely conditioned for loyalty to the Emperor. The Sardaukar were estimated as worth ten times their number in Landsraad house levies. The Sardaukar were normally organized into legions, each composed of ten brigades of roughly 30,000 soldiers each, and until the debacle at Arrakis, it was said that one legion alone could pacify any planet foolish enough to incur the Emperor's wrath. At their prime, their sword mastery and unarmed combat ability was said to equal that of a Ginaz 10th-Level Swordmaster, while their infighting skills approached those of a Bene Gesserit adept.
By the time of the novel Dune, the Sardaukar had become far more complacent. While still formidable, their strength had been sapped by overconfidence, and the sustaining mystique of their warrior religion had been deeply undermined by cynicism. Appropriations for training had gone down as the number of Bursegs (generals) increased.

O que não dá pra aceitar é esse macacão de funcionário de laboratório, pintado de preto com vidro verde.....ninguém merece!
Olha que bunitim o bunequin da época. Realmente a produção de Duna deu mole até no merchandising. Detalhe para a Maula Pistol e para, o que parece ser, um facão de churrasqueiro! Vai ver tinhas algum gaúcho na equipe de produção dos bonecos...

quarta-feira, 25 de março de 2009

Padishah Shaddam IV

Uh! Uh! Shaddam é mal...Tá pra nascer um cara mais focado e obstinado que o Shaddam...o cara, que tinha tudo contra ele, aquele vagabundo que podia ficar de fanfarronice no Império, sem estresse, se mostra uma das figuras mais frágeis e ao mesmo tempo mais sagazes do universo Duna...Esse cara, por incrível que pareça, começou a subir no conceito quando nos Prequels ele entra numa de criar o sintetic spice com os Tleilaxu....Um cara totalmente desprovido de paradigas....

Wikipedia Description....

Shaddam was born in year 10,134 A.G.[1] (After Guild), the son of Elrood Corrino IX, the 80th Padishah Emperor of the Known Universe and the ruler of the Imperial House Corrino. During his childhood, Shaddam became close friends with Count Hasimir Fenring, whose mother Lady Chaola Fenring was a Bene Gesserit and lady-in-waiting to Shaddam's mother Habla, the fourth wife of Elrood IX. Lady Fenring served as wet nurse to both her son Hasimir and Shaddam; according to one source, Fenring's mother may also have been a sister to Elrood.
Shaddam is described as "red-haired" by his daughter Irulan via epigraph in Dune.

In year 10,156, Shaddam succeeded his father as the 81st Emperor of the House Corrino; it was speculated that he and Fenring had somehow orchestrated Elrood's death. This was confirmed in Dune: House Atreides when Elrood was poisoned by slow acting chaumurky administered to him by Fenring (at Shaddam's bidding). It was also revealed that not only had Shaddam been complicit in the murder of his elder brother, the Crown Prince Fafnir, but had secretly administered contraceptives to his own mother, Habla, so she couldn't conceive another son to rival him.
According to Paul Atreides, Shaddam managed to secure his throne by providing the Spacing Guild with melange from planet Arrakis and arranging his own marriage to a Bene Gesserit. His marriage to Lady Anirul Sadow-Tonkin Corrino (who died in year 10,176 A.G.) resulted in the birth of five daughters: Irulan, Chalice, Wensicia, Josifa and Rugi.
Shaddam's lack of legitimate sons (orchestrated by the Bene Gesserit) ensured that he was the last Emperor of House Corrino. His heir would be a son-in-law belonging to another noble House. This realisation did not prevent Shaddam from efforts to maintain imperial power. Years 10,156 through 10,172 would see the ranks of nobility double in number. The growing competition among the nobles effectively prevented them from joining against the Emperor.
The foundation of Shaddam's power at the time were considered to be the Sardaukar, his imperial army of soldier-fanatics.

Devaneios sobre "Water of life"

Esse é um desenho antigo, cópia descarada / adaptação do Moebius...a idéia era representar uma das viagens do Paul sobre o futuro da humanidade....viagem total...

Esse não tem nada a ver com Duna...

Segue exercício sobre o Quarteto Fantástico...Mais uma vez, uma preguiça monstra!!!! de terminar o desenho....

Tirando o fato do nosso amigo, Dr. Reed Richards estar parecendo o Barbosa do TV Pirata e a Susan Storm praticamente uma drag queen "big lefty", o resto do desenho até q ficou razoável...(ficou razoável pq não passei da fase da marcação)

terça-feira, 24 de março de 2009

...and Paul meets Jamis, once again, it is the legend....

Aos 15 anos Paul deu um sapeca iáiá no coitado do Jamis. Esse agora só tira onda no além dos Zenzuni...Mais uma vez, uma preguiça monstra pra terminar o desenho....

Wikipedia description...
Jamis is a Fremen man in Dune who challenges newcomer Paul to a ritual fight to the death; Paul kills Jamis, proving himself to the Fremen for the first time. As is Fremen custom, Paul takes responsibility for Jamis' wife Harah (and their children) by making her his servant.
Jamis was played by Judd Omen in the 1984 film Dune, though he only appears in the Alan Smithee Version. The character was played by Christopher Lee Browne in the 2000 TV miniseries Frank Herbert's Dune.

Wikia, much better...description...
Jamis was a Fremen of Sietch Tabr, best known as the man who was bested by Paul Atreides when he and his mother Jessica were first given sanctuary by Stilgar. He was also known to be adept in playing the nine-stringed baliset.
Jamis had a reputation for fighting ferociously. He was regarded as a good Fremen, but encumbered by the major flaw of faulty self-control. Undoubtedly, Jamis' greatest usefulness to the tribe lay in his superiority as a fighting man; as a raider he was formidable. Stilgar in his Chronicle pays tribute to Jamis' bravery and skill. Even though Stilgar once bested Jamis in a fight, Jamis did not hesitate to save Stilgar's life at Hole-in-the-Rock. Stilgar also spoke of Jamis sharing his water during a siege at Two Birds and of his valiant sacrifice at Bight-of-the-Cliff. When a Harkonnen patrol pinned down a troop from Sietch Tabr, Jamis drew them off so the wounded could be saved. On the other hand, the fury that sustained him in battle also crippled him, for Stilgar had further noted: "There's too much violence in Jamis for him ever to make a good leader —too much ghafla."
This exuberance, however, did not always work to his detriment; it won him a good Fremen woman, Harah, for his wife. Jamis called out Geoff, her mate, and bested him. Harah spoke fondly of Jamis. She noted that he loved their children; Kaleff, Geoff's son, and Orlop, their own. He made no distinction between them and accorded the same devotion to their upbringing. Presumably he taught his sons the rules of water discipline and the Fremen way of fighting.
Jamis was numbered among the troop sent into the desert by Liet Kynes' distrans message to seek the strangers, Paul Atreides and his Bene Gesserit mother. When the troop came upon them at Tuono Basin, Jamis was distrustful of the outworlders and urged Stilgar to do his tribal duty - to eliminate those not trained to live with the desert. Although he agreed with Jamis regarding Jessica, Stilgar saw value in Paul. Unfortunately Jamis never realized the breadth of that value; he attributed Paul's disarming him at the moment Jessica overpowered Stilgar to "witch-force". Burning with resentment at being bested by a mere "child," Jamis invoked the Amtal Rule once they reached the Cave of Ridges. Unconvinced by Jessica's mystical performance, he demanded the right to test her part in the legend through combat with her champion, Paul.
Jessica and Stilgar tried both persuasion and trickery to convince him otherwise, but Jamis persisted. Although Jamis was an expert with the crysknife in either hand, he was no match for one steeped in the devious ways of the Bene Gesserit and trained by the likes of Gurney Halleck and Duncan Idaho. He could have had no conception of the exquisite fineness of Paul's skill. Jamis' death bought Paul his sietch name, Usul, and made him one of the Ichwan Bedwine with the manhood name of Paul-Muad'Dib.
Befitting a man of his standing, Jamis was given a full ritual funeral. Paul received Jamis' water, as was the custom, and inherited his yali, or possessions (excluding the funeral gifts), and woman, Harah. The whole tribe rightly mourned Jamis' passing, for indeed, they all felt the loss on the unfortunate day that his temper drove him to challenge Paul Atreides. Jamis seemed to embody the best and worst of Fremen qualities: strength, superb fighting ability, desert wisdom, tribal loyalty, dedication to Fremen dreams and ideals, and closed-minded, bull-headed stubbornness.
"The Songs of Muad'Dib" by the Princess Irulan preserves for us the "Dirge for Jamis on the Funeral Plain":
Do you wrestle with dreams?
Do you contend with shadows?
Do you move in a kind of sleep?
Time has slipped away.
Your life is stolen.
You tarried with trifles,
Victim of your folly.
Some or all of this article was copied from the following external source:The Dune Encyclopedia; Dune (novel)

Paul era uma criança e não queria detonar o Jamis, mas não teve jeito...Aí a vadia Bene Gesserit da mãe dele, passa logo um esculacho no menino Paul pra ele entender que o bagulho é doido e que matar não é brinquedo...Então Paul choraminga de nervoso e todos ficam bolados por ele dar água aos mortos...Once again, it is the Legend!

segunda-feira, 23 de março de 2009

Long Live the Fighters!!!

Essa é uma das primeiras imagens que aparece de Duna quando vc digita a busca de "Long live the Fighters" no Google...Isso se passa momentos antes do Paul soltar a horda de fremen warriors contra o Imperador (estilo Raça entrando no Maraca), que inevitavelmente resulta na maior passagem de cerol no universo que a ficção científica já presenciou....

Abaixo temos a descrição Wiki do lance:

In the fictional universe of Dune, the Fremen often shout the name of their messiah, Muad'dib, or Mahdi (a title), when charging into combat. Another Fremen battle cry is, "Ya hya chouhada!" which translates to "Long live the fighters!" In the Dune film, this is taken a step further, when the Fremen activate their weirding modules (sound based weapons), by yelling Muad'dib.

Long Live The Fighters!!!!!

Long Live The Fighters!!! Could be Paul or a Fedakyn....Enough Said!

quarta-feira, 18 de março de 2009

Essa ficou maneira....

Quem leu os últimos livros da dobradinha do filho do Herbert com o Kevin J. Anderson sabe que houve uma espécie de "Joint Venture" das Honradas Madres com as Bene Jesserits, enfim...a idéia foi pensar no uniforme único que essa união adotou...Acho que o resultado final ficou legal por transmitir a frieza do olhar das Bene Jesserit com a adoção de pinturas de guerra e cabelos escalafobéticos, que são mais a praia das Honradas Madres...Fiz ela meio coxuda, porque todo mundo sabe que tomar um chute dessas muié não é nada agradável....Detalhe pra fumacinha, não pude resistir em colocar uma fumacinha saindo da arma (coisa pouca, um obliterator portátil ; )... )

Mulherada braba

Ontem tava no clima das bichonas com o Rabban e hj foi dia da mulherada...hehehe...Copiei essa vampira dum X-men que tenho aqui em casa...A idéia foi tentar treinar o ar de ódio das Honradas Madres, mas acho q foi tanto ódio que ela acabou meio caolha...Bem vlw o exercício, nessa volta a desenhar estou com uma preguiça monstra de terminar os desenhos...

terça-feira, 17 de março de 2009

Dr. Yueh era um vacilão....

A idéia foi fazer um cara frustado, amargurado, que esconde um monte de coisas....no final nosso amigo Suk Doctor Wellington Yueh não passava de um vacilão....Botei um brinquinho nele só de sacanagem. Esqueci do bigodinho porteirão do Dr. Yueh original (isso sim foi sacanagem com o personagem!).


Como um Mestre Tleilaxu deveria se parecer? Meio cinza, anões? , dentes pequenos e pontiagudos...vou ter q reler os livros e anotar...A grande verdade é que as mulheres reclamam dos homens, mas eu queria ver se elas morassem em Bene Tleilax como um Axlotl tank... ; (

Segue a definição do Wikipedia...The Bene Tleilax or Tleilaxu are an extremely xenophobic and isolationist society in the fictional Dune universe created by Frank Herbert. The Bene Tleilax are genetic manipulators, equivalent in power to a major house in the Imperium. They exclusively control a number of planets in the Imperium, but they are originally connected with the planet Tleilax, the sole planet of the star Thalim.[1]

Not organized along feudal lines (as most of the rest of the Imperium is), the Tleilaxu are secretive and very little is known about them; however, in Heretics of Dune their society is said to be a meritocracy. They are chiefly known for their biological products, such as artificial eyes, gholas, and Face Dancers. Because they deal in morally-questionable but highly desired products, the Tleilaxu are universally distrusted but still influential.
The use of "Bene" before their name suggests that they are an order of some kind, like the Bene Gesserit; this becomes clear in the last two books of the original series, Heretics of Dune and Chapterhouse Dune.


Conde Glossu Rabban (10.132 - 10.193)
Glossu Rabban, Conde de Lankiveil, era o sobrinho mais velho de Vladimir Harkonnen. Glossu Rabban e Feyd-Rautha eram filhos de Abulurd...Um cara tranquilo que não queria confusão. Mas o Rabban já nasceu ruim, com a inluência do Tio ficou pior...A idéia é fazer ele meio bichona fortona (de brinco), por conta de sua personalidade fraca e influência do Tio....Ele gostava de caçar. Segue o original (mó cara de maluco!)